
New emoji Chart Increasing and Chart Decreasing as well as the Glitch Wave series are on view at Cherry St Pier in Philadelphia July 5-28 2024 as part of the Phantastic Phibers exhibition, juried by Bonnie MacAllister.

Since 2015 I’ve been cross-stiching emoji, hoping to give these precious and beloved symbols appropriate physical weight.

Each emoji is hand-rasterized on a 32x32 grid, its colors reduced to a few selections from the DMC palette, and stitched on 18-count cotton Aida cloth.

Embroidery has existed as long as we’ve had cloth, and cross-stitch specifically dates to at least the late 19th century. Rendering these very modern symbols in a very old style helps make them as real as they are in our hearts.

—Jen Ahearn, Philadelphia, July 2024

Emojix have been exhibited at the Internet Yami-Ichi events in New York in 2015, 2016, and 2019 and as part of Indy Hall's Fully Bonkers group show in June 2016.